Thursday, July 30, 2009
We are currently mid-pack for our annual vacation to Minnesota! I think we have gone every year since I was 5 or 6. Even though we don't go to our old resort, it is still a good time. Grammy and Grampy, Aunt Julie and Uncle Ryan, the three crazy cousins, Great Aunt LouAnn and Great Uncle Nyle and the Rydstrom family all go with us! We play lots of cards, swim, fish, tube, boat, sit around, shop and perhaps drink some beer. The day after we get back is our family reunion in Marathon! Then I start school! Craziness!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The 12 Month Version
It has been an amazing process to take this picture of Lauren every month on her birthday! The changes are immeasurable! At her one year appointment, she weighed 24 pounds 1 ounce and is 29.25 inches tall. Her head is off the charts big thanks to Mommy and Daddy! She isn't walking, yet, but she is a great cruiser and is talking a lot -"Uh oh" to quote Lauren herself. She has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom and 3 are lurking below the surface!

The Birthday Party
It's been almost a week, but here are pics from Lauren birthday party! We had a great time! Grandma and Grandma Holm, Great-Grandma Holm, Grammy and Grampy T, The Siebrechts, The Harringtons, The Walls, The Burns - including Kendall and Dylan, The Rydstroms - including Lexi and The Kirwans all helped us celebrate. It was a great afternoon, unusually cool and not humid for July in Iowa. We got to hang out in the garage and play outside! Lauren thought it was BIG fun to get messy in her cake and she was a little leary of the presents until they got open! She got a lot of music makers, which is right up our Dancing Queen's little alley!

Here are some pics!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sunday is technically Lauren's last day of being a baby! On Monday she'll be one....where does the time go?
A year ago today we were at home, between hospital stays for the attempted and eventually failed induction. I remember being so tired from the night in the hospital, but yet feeling so peaceful because I knew that my baby was going to be here soon. It took another two days and some theatrics, but she got here safe and sound!
Now, the house is quiet - except for the roar of the tractor pulls at the fairgrounds. Mike and Lauren are sleeping and I am reflecting on the last year. It has been simply magical. Lauren was the ideal baby...need an example, the first night Mike went back to work after she was born was the first time she slept through the night. I find myself sitting just watching her. I like to watch her squat when she is playing...for some reason that just seems like such a big girl thing to do. I like to watch her watch things and drop things on purpose just so she can say "UH, OH"
The house is also clean and awaiting our friends and family that will be here tomorrow to help us celebrate. All the items are crossed of my list. I know that I forgot something...but if I did - who cares. Tomorrow is all about celebrating the life of my baby - Lauren Kathryne - who won't be a baby any more...
PS - there may be tears!!!
A year ago today we were at home, between hospital stays for the attempted and eventually failed induction. I remember being so tired from the night in the hospital, but yet feeling so peaceful because I knew that my baby was going to be here soon. It took another two days and some theatrics, but she got here safe and sound!
Now, the house is quiet - except for the roar of the tractor pulls at the fairgrounds. Mike and Lauren are sleeping and I am reflecting on the last year. It has been simply magical. Lauren was the ideal baby...need an example, the first night Mike went back to work after she was born was the first time she slept through the night. I find myself sitting just watching her. I like to watch her squat when she is playing...for some reason that just seems like such a big girl thing to do. I like to watch her watch things and drop things on purpose just so she can say "UH, OH"
The house is also clean and awaiting our friends and family that will be here tomorrow to help us celebrate. All the items are crossed of my list. I know that I forgot something...but if I did - who cares. Tomorrow is all about celebrating the life of my baby - Lauren Kathryne - who won't be a baby any more...
PS - there may be tears!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
In the Fridge
I know, I know....2 posts in one day...but I caught Lauren in the act of standing in the fridge and had to share it with everyone!
Daily Changes
You would think with all the time I have off (haha) during the summer that I would be updating our blog more...but the time just seems to slip away every day. I think it is because I spend so much time marvelling in all the new things that Lauren is doing every day! It seems like every day a new thing is going on. Since we have been back from Ohio we have been very busy. Here's a list of things Lauren has done since then:
1) Standing up in the crib and playing and jumping like crazy...she just realized that you don't have to love flat on your back in the crib!
2) Saying dad and dadda - Mike can finally stop complaining!
3) Saying Hi - she paired it with mom this morning for "Hi Mom" - ESPN here she comes
4) Climbing - this morning she pulled herself up on the first ledge of the refridgerator by using the handle on the veggie drawer. The fridge is her fave place to play
5) Taking steps with a toy or sliding the chair across the floor!
Eating Lucky Charms for breakfast - she actually ate the grain parts and only played with the marshmallows. They get very sticky (BTW) and we went directly to the bath tub after this one!
Now that the crib isn't just for laying down, this is how she fell asleep for her nap the other day!
Playing in the fridge and trying to step up on the ledge (mastered that this morning)! Blue ring fits between the top drawer and the bottom one - so glad I didn't spend 6 hours tearing the house apart looking for blue ring before I discovered that! I don't know if you can see it or not, but her "cerchunka" (aka thunder thighs) are also on display in the pic!!!
1) Standing up in the crib and playing and jumping like crazy...she just realized that you don't have to love flat on your back in the crib!
2) Saying dad and dadda - Mike can finally stop complaining!
3) Saying Hi - she paired it with mom this morning for "Hi Mom" - ESPN here she comes
4) Climbing - this morning she pulled herself up on the first ledge of the refridgerator by using the handle on the veggie drawer. The fridge is her fave place to play
5) Taking steps with a toy or sliding the chair across the floor!
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