...its another.
Lauren has been handling getting her new teeth fairly well. We only have the dreaded "I" teeth left and we'll be done for a while. She gets a little crabby and we give her some Motrin and she's good.
She had some sinus issues for a while...nothing a little Sudafed couldn't fix.
But now, we are having sleep issues...for like the second time ever. I will not complain too loudly because I have friends (love ya Julie) whose baby's have had sleep issues pretty much since the beginning. And I know I am making it bigger in my head that it really is. It just worries me.
Lauren had become a night owl...being ready for bed between 9 and 10. She'd sleep all night and get up around 8 or when I had to wake her about 6:15 for daycare. Then, for 5-6 nights in a row she was an absolute bear to get to sleep. Kicking, screaming, etc. and it resorted in many car rides to finally get her to sleep. I knew this was a habit that I didn't want to get too deep into.
After consulting many knowledgable mommies, including the Daycare Goddess, Kathy, I tried putting Lauren to bed way early - like 7 - thinking that she was getting overly tired. I have tried that for 2 nights now. The first resulting in us being awake at 3:30 and the second at 4.
Tonight, we are meeting in the middle and going to bed at 8...I won't be far behind her!